Tooth Extraction

Occasionally a tooth simply can not be saved or fixed, and it requires removal. A routine tooth extraction can be fairly simple, the dentist will use local anesthesia to numb or freeze the area, and the tooth is then loosened until the roots are no longer holding it in place; then it is removed from the gums. This is followed by tooth extraction recovery period.

It can be a fairly quick procedure, taking less time to remove the tooth than for the freezing to work. A tooth extraction is the last option when other treatments can’t be used or will not successfully solve the problem.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

  • Wisdom tooth extractions can be straight forward and very similar to any other tooth removal, or it might be more complicated and require minor day surgery.
  • If the wisdom tooth hasn’t come through the gums it may still require removal in some circumstances. There may not be enough room in the mouth for the tooth to fit correctly, or other complications, and it might need extraction before it is allowed to erupt through the gums. In this instance, a cut is created in the gums where the wisdom tooth is, and it is removed by severing the roots and extracting the tooth. The gums can then be stitched shut and allowed to heal. Our clinic offers wisdom tooth extractions in either situation.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Cost

  • Wisdom tooth removal may have varying costs based on the type of removal. If it is an erupted wisdom tooth with no infection, it will be less and can be billed the same as any other tooth removal, but an impacted wisdom tooth will require more work and time and will, therefore, cost more. Most dental insurance will cover the removal of a wisdom tooth, whether it is a straightforward removal or a day surgery procedure.

A wisdom tooth removal can require a longer recovery time and some pain management for a few days. Any medications such as antibiotics, should also be covered by insurance where available, but payment out of pocket will be required where insurance is unavailable. The full cost can range above $120-$200 or more for complicated situations and impacted teeth.

Tooth Extraction FAQ

On average a tooth extraction will cost between $70-$150 for a simple extraction, more complicated situations may carry additional costs

Most dental insurance providers will cover tooth extractions in cases the tooth can not be saved. Check with your insurance provider or your regular dentist for details of your coverage.

With proper anesthesia there will not be pain during the extraction, though there may be some discomfort felt or some pressure may be felt during the removal. Once the freezing wears off there may be minor pain and discomfort that can be treated with over the counter medications, following dentist directions.

Gauze will be provided to help to slow and stop the bleeding following a tooth extraction, and after care direction will be provided by the dentist. The are should be rinsed but not brushed, and a salt water rinse is often recommended to speed the healing. Avoid strenuous exercise or any heavy lifting, and it may be recommended to sleep propped up the night of the extraction to help decrease swelling and any bleeding.

Wisdom tooth extractions can result in swelling and inflammation, which can lead to pain in the area as well as in the jaw. After care instructions will be provided by the dental care provider and should be followed to reduce any pain and swelling after the wisdom tooth removal.

Surgery may be required when the wisdom tooth becomes impacted, or abscessed, and may be required when the tooth has not yet broken through the gums yet requires removal.