What Qualifies As A Dental Emergency?

Tooth pain is severe sometimes and takes you into a difficult situation. You need Emergency dental care due to a toothache, swallowing in the mouth, damaged teeth, and much more urgent dental problems. The dentist provides special care to your damaged and swallowed tooth. So, what qualifies as a dental emergency? Let’s look at the sign for emergency dental services.

Loosen teeth needs attention

If you are facing loose teeth problems, then you should immediately take emergency dental care services. Sometimes we do not feel any pain in loosen teeth, but it requires special care from a professional dentist. If you do not take serious action toward your loose teeth then after a few times you may lose your valuable natural teeth. So always take any kind of tooth and mouth problem seriously. 

Bleeding gums and acne

Bleeding gums are a sign that you need more attention to your oral health care. If you don’t pay proper attention to your bleeding gums, then it makes the situation worse. Pain in gums requires special attention and you need proper oral health care. You have to check imminently to a professional dentist to get emergency dental care. Healthy gums provide strength to teeth. You need to take proper care from your family dentist.

Abscessed tooth symptoms

An abscessed tooth is very painful and needs emergency dental care. It is a sign of bacterial infection, and a pocket of the puss takes place in different parts of the tooth. The abscessed dental problem is so much more painful than you should immediately go to your family dentist. Abscessed teeth require proper surgery to remove puss and bacterial infection from the root. 

Numb teeth 

If your teeth feel no sensation or pain, but you have seen that it is damaged, so you need immediate emergency dental care to save your valuable teeth. Numb teeth problem is a serious problem for your oral health care. The bacterial infection has affected the root of teeth, so you don’t feel any sensation toward numb teeth. 

So these are some important points that you should be careful about your dental care. If you are going through dental pain, then always prefer the experience and certified dentist. Maxilla Dental provides emergency dental service in Toronto. The all-in-one dental and oral care service makes them the best for all kinds of oral health issues.  

Emergency Cases of an Untreated Toothache

Emergency Cases of an Untreated Toothache

There are different reasons for tooth pain, including cavity, abscess, injuries, gingivitis, wisdom tooth eruption, and so on. It should be considered that toothache can be a sign of a bigger problem. Try not to ignore your toothache. An untreated toothache can lead to health problems such as pneumonia, brain abscess, bacterial blood infection, heart attack, or even tooth loss.

You should know there is a connection between oral health and overall health. For example, patients with infectious gums are more likely to be at risk for heart disease and stroke than someone with healthy gums and teeth. Many people live with dental or gum disease that is often undiagnosed and untreated. Because they do not feel any pain in their teeth, they do not visit the emergency dentist. Please note that the absence of pain does not mean that your tooth is healthy and does not need a dental checkup. By visiting our emergency dentist in North York regularly, you can diagnose your dental problems at the early stages.

Toothache and Heart Attack

Bacteria and other germs in your mouth can be transmitted to other parts of your body. If the bacteria reach to your heart through the bloodstream, they attach to the affected areas and cause inflammation. It can lead to some diseases such as infection of the inner layer of your heart, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and apoplexy. Transmission of bacteria and infectious agents from the root of the tooth to the heart is the starting point for heart diseases.

Toothache and Brain Abscess

A brain abscess is a bag of pus in the brain that is caused by a bacterial infection. Therefore, if the bacteria reach the brain, it will cause brain abscess. The infection can travel from ear, sinus, or an abscessed tooth to the brain. A brain abscess is usually accompanied by a dull and achy headache, a low-grade fever, nausea and vomiting, personality changes, and neck stiffness. In this case, a quick referral to the emergency dental clinic is required.

Toothache and Bacterial Blood Infection

A toothache may be a symptom of an infection. There are some symptoms of tooth infection spreading in the body, including increasing heart and breathing rate, fever, stomachache, and dehydration. A tooth infection can lead to blood poisoning and bacterial blood infection. So, you should head to our North York walk-in dental clinic in the shortest possible time to prevent other complications.

Toothache and Tooth loss

In some cases, the untreated toothache leads to tooth loss. It is worth to know that missing teeth can cause more severe complications. However, you do not have to suffer from a missing tooth. We offer you dental implants. Dental implants are screw-shaped titanium that replaces the missing tooth.

How Can You Prevent Toothache?

By practicing good oral health, you can prevent toothache. Do not forget to brush your teeth three times a day, and use dental floss at least twice a day. Regular dental checkups and cleanings are essential. Try to have your teeth cleaned in the dental office twice a year. Please quit smoking and consume high fiber and low-fat foods.

Emergency Dental Services: When You Need to Get Them

Get Rid of Emergency Dental Problems

Dental problems are uncommon, but you can’t stop them often. It’s indeed essential to know what kind of dental issues this kind of emergency care requires. A clinic providing emergency dental services will give the necessary resources and care to resolve the problem accurately and comfortably efficiently. Here are some dental emergencies that need urgent care.

A chronic toothache or periapical periodontist is amongst the most important reasons for seeking emergency dental treatment. This form of toothache is sudden, intense, contained to one region, and lessens when the patient bites. The gum area all around the affected section can also be excruciating. In this situation, an abscess may develop, which may lead to a swelling of the face. This is a dental emergency, and you need pain relief right away. Emergency treatment can also avoid adverse side effects, such as respiratory distress.

Another case in which emergency dental services are required is injury and damage. Usually, when teeth start to fall out, the tooth socket can bleed for several minutes and then begin. The issue is that the clots will usually displace and cause more blood if the patient chews hard. Physical trauma with cracked teeth can also cause severe bleeding. A dentist specialized in emergencies will try to control leakage by putting pressure on the affected region for around 15 minutes. They can use a hemostatic treatment if the compress is not efficient. Suture the area is the last resort.

Another reason to get an emergency dentist is broken teeth. Fractures in primary teeth, particularly those extending into the teeth’ innermost layer, require a quick strategy to reduce pulpal contamination. What the emergency dentist would do is put the dentine lining on the injured portion. You ought to see a dentist in 24 hours to ensure that there are no issues.

Post-dental operation complications are also cases that can involve immediate treatment. One such situation is post-extraction pain. Some pain is joint after extraction and typically fades after a few hours. However, if the condition continues and painkillers may not function, you can need a dentist to search for other complications, such as dry sockets or jaw fractures.

Lost dental fillings are also grounds for emergency dental care. This issue can lead to problems such as food or particles stuck between the teeth, which will cause discomfort and inflammation.

Not all dentists provide emergency dental services, so you should be likely to find one in your area. Don’t delay until an emergency happens, as it can cause you to run to the hospital immediately without determining whether or not they are appropriate and suitable. Search for emergency dental clinics at night and on weekends to ensure they are open no matter whether you have an injury or an emergency.

Who should I contact? 

Your physician is evident when you have a medical emergency, and in other cases, it might be best to head straight to the emergency department. When you’re not in considerable pain, you are encouraged to contact your dentist in North York to discuss the problem. Many dentists will try to see you as quickly as practicable, but don’t panic if they can’t see you instantly. Many dental problems are not immediate (even though they can sound like they are)!

Emergency Dental Care – Get Rid of Oral Problems Immediately

A dental emergency requires immediate attention to relieve the pain, treat the high risk of the infection and tooth, which is at risk. Sometimes there can be an accident that knocks out a tooth, and emergency dental services are required. Moreover, sometimes you may have pain, discomfort, and you do not know what to do. 

Any dental emergency such as an injury to teeth, loose filling, etc. can be potentially serious, and it should not be ignored. Ignoring a dental problem can lead to permanent damage and can need more expensive treatment in the future. 

Here is a quick solution to what you can do for some common dental problems


For toothaches, it is essential to rinse your mouth with lukewarm water thoroughly. You should always use dental floss to remove any kind of lodge food. If your gums or mouth is swollen, you should apply a cold compress on your mouth or cheeks. Never put aspirin or any other painkiller against the gums or aching tooth as it can burn the gum tissue. If there is no relief, you should see your dentist immediately. 

Broken or chipped teeth 

If you have broken or chipped teeth, try to save any piece. Always rinse your mouth with warm water and the broken piece as well. If there is bleeding, apply the gauze piece to the affected area for about 15 minutes or until it stops bleeding. Try to apply cold compressed air to your mouth, cheeks, lips, and near the broken or chipped tooth to keep down the swelling, and it will also relieve pain. It is also important to see your dentist as soon as possible. 

Knocked out tooth

Retrieve the tooth, hold it by the crown, and rinse off the tooth root with warm water. Do not scrub it or remove any of the attached tissue fragments and try to put back the tooth fragments. Make sure it should face the right way; don’t force it to the socket. If you can’t reinsert the tooth, put it in the milk or in saltwater or put it in a safe tooth container. It is quite essential to see your dentist as soon as possible.

Extruded tooth

If you have an extruded tooth, you need to see your dentist as soon as possible. To relieve the pain, you can apply compressed air outside your mouth or in the affected area. You can also take over the counter pain reliever if required.

Lost crown

If the crown falls off, it is important to see your dentist as soon as possible and keep the crown with you. If you fail to see a dentist right away and the pain is unbearable, use a cotton swab and apply clove oil to the affected area. You can also use over the counter cement, toothpaste, or dental adhesive, which can help you to hold the crown in place. 

Emergency Dental Care Services Are Essential

An emergency can occur anytime and anywhere. Nowadays, dental emergencies are getting familiar with the time. Keeping the growing needs in mind, the dentist has introduced beneficial facilities for the patients, emergency dentistry. Like other problems, oral health emergencies are treated in an emergency room. The emergency dentists are available throughout the day and night to ensure your oral health remains happy and your smile stays beautiful.

Here are some of the ways when you can recognize a dental emergency and what you need to do to resolve it –

What is a dental emergency?

In dental emergencies, immediate action is required to relieve the severe pain, save a tooth at risk, and treat the high risk of infection. An accident can often occur, and an emergency is needed, but you may have pain or discomfort and don’t know what to do. Chipped veneers, lose fillings, broken dental appliances can be annoying, but they don’t require emergency dental services. Here are a few examples where you need to have emergency dentistry –

Broken, cracked, and knocked out teeth

From microfracture to small chips, you might wait to call the dentist in your normal business hours. If your tooth has cracks, large pieces are missing, nerve damage, knocked loose, and seek emergency medical attention. There are many things which you can do to save your tooth. If the tooth is broken, rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area and put cold compress to keep the swelling down.

If your tooth has knocked out, don’t touch the root and handle it as little as possible. You can also try to place the tooth back in the socket without touching the root. Many times biting down, tea bag, or wet gauze can help you.

Teeth, tooth and jaw pain

Suppose you are experiencing lasting or severe pain in your jaw or tooth. In that case, it is time to contact your dentist, especially if the problem accompanies fever, swelling, odd taste, or difficulty in swallowing. These symptoms indicate an infection is there, and you need a dentist to examine your mouth and provide you a proper treatment. Treatment may require antibiotics, root canal, or drainage of infection.

Aching or bleeding gums

When you floss your teeth, if there is bleeding, it may be a sign of gingivitis. If the bleeding is excessive and recurring, then it’s time to contact your dentist. Aching and bleeding gums are some of the most common signs of periodontal disease. It is essential to begin treatment as early as possible to keep your gums, supporting tissue; bone healthy. The dental treatment will highly vary upon the severity of the oral disease.

If you have a dental emergency, call your dentist first; even if the office is closed, there must be an emergency number. You can also look for an “emergency dentist near me” and find several emergency phone numbers.

If you are looking for a dentist in North York, you can visit Maxilla dental, where the dentist is available 24*7 for your services.