Expert Root Canal Therapy at Our Clinic
Root canal therapy is just one of the many reasons patients choose our clinic. As one of the most delicate procedures in dentistry, it serves as a crucial step to save a tooth before extraction becomes necessary. When performed with precision, a well-executed root canal can ensure your tooth lasts for many years to come.
At our clinic, root canal therapy is exclusively carried out by experienced endodontists. We utilize advanced 3D root-filling technology and the latest materials to ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction.
Braces or Invisalign: Orthodontics Done Right
Whether it’s you or your child, straightening teeth is an important step toward achieving a confident, lasting smile. And let’s face it—no one wants to go through the process twice!
With our orthodontist’s extensive knowledge and experience, we ensure the best possible results tailored to your needs. Whether you choose traditional braces or Invisalign, you can trust us to help you achieve a smile that lasts a lifetime.
Root Canal Therapy FAQ
A root canal is a procedure in which the roots and nerves within a tooth are removed and the tooth is rebuilt with filling material and often a crown to rebuild strength. Other root canal treatment steps include cleanout of the inner materials of the tooth to open room for filling and to prevent further cavities and damages.
The warning signs that a root canal may be needed are infection in the root inside of the tooth, a cavity that reaches through to the root of the tooth, or a broken tooth leaving the roots and nerves exposed.
Insurance coverage can vary greatly depending on the company and plan chosen. To find out your coverage for dental implants check the website under your account, call your insurance company to ask about the included coverage, or ask your dental office to request the coverage information for you.
Root canal therapy is usually performed by an endodontist, a specialist who has advanced knowledge and training in treating the inner structures of the tooth.
A root canal is needed when the roots are damaged and can not maintain the health of a tooth any more, or when they are exposed. It is used to stop the pain and to get rid of any infection that is causing pain and illness.
If you don’t get root canal therapy, the infection can spread, and the tooth may be lost. The pain may worsen, and serious infections could develop, leading to further complications.
An emergency root canal can be done the same day as required, if there is no infection to limit the ability of the dentist to freeze/numb the area and access the tooth and it’s roots. Call our office to book your appointment for diagnosis and treatment as required.