Teeth Whitening

Teeth can become stained or have their colour altered by your choice of food and beverage, time, long-standing habits such as smoking or tobacco use. So, many people look to teeth whitening and bleaching specialists for ways to whiten their teeth and brighten their smile. And this is where our dentists at Maxilla come into play with several decades of experience.

There are many tooth whitening and bleaching options that do not require any cosmetic dentistry including at home treatments, gum, and dental office techniques. The costs vary greatly depending upon the option chosen, and results can be different for each person, even if they use the same method. The best way to choose the right method for you is a conversation with your dentist at your next appointment.

Best Teeth Whitening for Your Teeth

There are so many products for tooth whitening from gum, toothpaste, and even paint on products to be used at home, and dental offices have several options of their own. More important is to choose the right product for your individual needs. One that can whiten without weakening and does not cause allergies and fits in your budget. Book your next appointment at our clinic to discuss your teeth whitening and bleaching options and costs.

Zoom Teeth Whitening

Zoom whitening is a process at the dental office that uses a hydrogen peroxide based product to whiten teeth. It claims to whiten up to eight shades, using a blue light to activate the ingredients. Contact us to book your Zoom teeth whitening appointment.

In-office and take home teeth whitening

Dental offices often offer in office treatments that are not available for at home use, but they also offer some to take home and complete on your own schedule. They are stronger then over the counter from the pharmacy, but do not require the dentist to perform them. You will be instructed on how to use the kit and any after care instructions.

Teeth Whitening FAQ

How much does it cost to make your teeth white?

Teeth whitening depends on the product chosen and the results you want. It can start from $20 for an over the counter solution, toothpastes and paint on products included, and go up to over $1,000 for in office treatments with your dentist. Some treatments will require more then one visit and several rounds of treatment for the results that you want.

Does my dental insurance pay for teeth whitening?

No, most dental insurance does not cover whitening the teeth, as it is deemed a nonessential cosmetic procedure.

What are the benefits of teeth whitening?

Having whiter teeth can boost confidence and allow for any damages to teeth to show early and well, encouraging quick treatment.

How to make your teeth whiter?

To have whiter teeth avoid caffeine and dark coloured beverages, including red wine and fruits, avoid tobacco use of any kind, use a whitening toothpaste, and consult your dentist for more options.