An emergency can occur anytime and anywhere. Nowadays, dental emergencies are getting familiar with the time. Keeping the growing needs in mind, the dentist has introduced beneficial facilities for the patients, emergency dentistry. Like other problems, oral health emergencies are treated in an emergency room. The emergency dentists are available throughout the day and night to ensure your oral health remains happy and your smile stays beautiful.

Here are some of the ways when you can recognize a dental emergency and what you need to do to resolve it –

What is a dental emergency?

In dental emergencies, immediate action is required to relieve the severe pain, save a tooth at risk, and treat the high risk of infection. An accident can often occur, and an emergency is needed, but you may have pain or discomfort and don’t know what to do. Chipped veneers, lose fillings, broken dental appliances can be annoying, but they don’t require emergency dental services. Here are a few examples where you need to have emergency dentistry –

Broken, cracked, and knocked out teeth

From microfracture to small chips, you might wait to call the dentist in your normal business hours. If your tooth has cracks, large pieces are missing, nerve damage, knocked loose, and seek emergency medical attention. There are many things which you can do to save your tooth. If the tooth is broken, rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area and put cold compress to keep the swelling down.

If your tooth has knocked out, don’t touch the root and handle it as little as possible. You can also try to place the tooth back in the socket without touching the root. Many times biting down, tea bag, or wet gauze can help you.

Teeth, tooth and jaw pain

Suppose you are experiencing lasting or severe pain in your jaw or tooth. In that case, it is time to contact your dentist, especially if the problem accompanies fever, swelling, odd taste, or difficulty in swallowing. These symptoms indicate an infection is there, and you need a dentist to examine your mouth and provide you a proper treatment. Treatment may require antibiotics, root canal, or drainage of infection.

Aching or bleeding gums

When you floss your teeth, if there is bleeding, it may be a sign of gingivitis. If the bleeding is excessive and recurring, then it’s time to contact your dentist. Aching and bleeding gums are some of the most common signs of periodontal disease. It is essential to begin treatment as early as possible to keep your gums, supporting tissue; bone healthy. The dental treatment will highly vary upon the severity of the oral disease.

If you have a dental emergency, call your dentist first; even if the office is closed, there must be an emergency number. You can also look for an “emergency dentist near me” and find several emergency phone numbers.

If you are looking for a dentist in North York, you can visit Maxilla dental, where the dentist is available 24*7 for your services.

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